How to get Musty Smell out of Stuffed Toys

How to get Musty Smell out of Stuffed Toys

Everyone would concur that kids adore stuffed toys. Furthermore, these stuffed toys have seen a lot of different things as a child develops. A stuffed toy is similar to a person children may interact with, confide in, and play with.

In reality, stuffed toys and other soft toys play an essential role in a child's development since they help kids build particular relationships with them that lead to happy childhoods.

Stuffed toys may smell musty if kept in warm, humid conditions. Mildew frequently causes the stench, although dust can also be to blame. Would it be content if this mildew and mold began to smell on your child's stuffed toy?

If you're considering throwing away the stinky stuffed toy immediately, read this article for wise advice. First, eliminate anything dangerous that can irritate the skin or trigger allergies.

Then, you should remove the musty odor. You can keep the stuffed toy if you treat and clean it correctly rather than throwing it away.

Do Stuffed Toys Suffer From Mildew?

Your home has few mold and mildew growth opportunities if cleaned and maintained. However, mold and mildew can grow on surfaces like walls, ceilings, and surfaces and appliances, furniture, and other items.

In addition, you should be aware that, for various reasons, your stuffed toys are not immune to the wrath of mold and mildew. However, the kind of materials used in stuffed toys is suitable for mildew growth since they are organic, where it usually grows.

How to Get Musty Smell Out of Stuffed Toys Instructions:

Step 1: Clean the stuffed toy of any noticeable mildew. The mildew can be the cause of the musty scent. Put on gloves and a mask to keep your health in check. Leap outside with the stuffed toy. It will help if you scrub mildew regions with an old toothbrush.

Step 2: Check the tag on the plush toy. The tag describes how to wash the toy. one needs to wash stuffed toys following the directions.

Step 3: Hang the cleaned stuffed toy outside to dry. The sun's heat will kill any leftover mildew, and the air circulation will help the toy dry up.

Step 4: Mix equal volumes of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle if the musty odor persists. Vinegar will mask the odor when spraying the mixture on the plush toy.

Step 5: Sprinkle baking soda on the plush toy. The following day, use an upholstery attachment to vacuum the baking soda.

How to Remove the Musty Odor from Stuffed AnimalsHow to Get the Musty Smell Out of Stuffed Toys Steps Explained 

It is essential to do these two simple measures when your child's stuffed animals emit scents that resemble mildew.

First step: washing

Washing stuffed animals are the most practical method of cleaning. However, to avoid potential harm from the washing machine, you can either hand-wash the stuffed animals or put them in the machine and run several cycles.

Mildew spores cause a smell that you can eliminate using warm water. Additionally, it would be excellent if you remembered to keep the quality of your child's stuffed animals by using only mild, color-safe bleach.

White vinegar used during wash cycles can also help kill mildew spores. Therefore, we recommend using white vinegar over yellowish vinegar. However, it is optional to avoid staining or vinegar stains.

After several wash cycles, rinse the stuffed toys to remove bleach stains and residues. Then, squeeze out as much moisture as possible for quick sun drying.

Second step: Sun Drying

The most accessible and natural alternative to using a dryer to dry clean stuffed toys is sun-drying them. Contrary to a dryer that releases too much heat and could harm the cloth, the advantages of sun drying are long-lasting and energy-efficient.

Sunlight would ideally eliminate mold and mildew, as the issue you are experiencing is the stench of mildew coming from stuffed toys.

In addition, it emits natural freshness and conditioner, which is ideal for conserving resources. With that, you should utilize sunlight and allow it to do the task. You may unwind by simply hanging cuddly stuffed toys with clips.

Ways to clean non-washable stuffed toys of their musty smell.

In addition to the suggested methods, you should try the baking soda and essential oil to eliminate the musty odor from stuffed toys. Generally, this guideline works best with plush toys that are non-washable.

The necessary supplies, such as baking soda, aromatic oils, towels, and Ziploc bags, should be ready. Lavender and tea tree oil are the best essential oils to use.

Add enough baking soda and a few drops of essential oil to the bag. Baking soda can absorb musty odors, and essential oils have antimicrobial properties.

Place the stuffed toy inside the bag and shake it until the baking soda is distributed throughout. For best effects, lock the bag and allow it to sit for about an hour.

Finally, take the stuffed animal out of the bag and use a cloth to remove any baking soda residue.

Undoubtedly, a happy house is a healthy home. However, maintaining the health of our family and always learning health care advice are the two things that matter most.

This post also taught you how to remove the musty smell from stuffed toys. The cleaning techniques and other advice would undoubtedly be helpful for parents to safeguard their child's health.


While she organized her room, my daughter put several dolls and plush toys in a plastic bag and stored them in the basement. Unfortunately, they were already dusty and had a little mold on them. How can I wash them?

First, vacuum or brush them off. If your stuffed toy cant is washed, place them in a big plastic bag with 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda or cornstarch. To coat the toys, firmly close the bag and shake it vigorously.

Let them rest for a bit. Next, remove the toys from the bag by taking them outside. Before using a soft hairbrush to finish the task, shake each item to remove any remaining white material. Leave the clean toys outside in the sunshine and open the air for a few hours.