Keys to choosing the right summer floaties for this season!
Keys to choosing the right summer floaties for this season!
The summer floaties sector is booming thanks to the fashion of using giant and original products, but at the same time versatile and eye-catching. The arrival of summer will bring this type of product back into focus on beaches and swimming pools.
Regarding the issue of bathing in the water during the pandemic, individual summer floaties (which ensure a barrier around us) can be good alternatives to enjoy a pleasant bath without having to be aware of who is by our side at all times.
Although not proven by scientists, individual summer floaties may become even more important in 2021 both to relax in the water and to follow the stipulated rules of social distance.
The original and fun designs of summer floaties, such as flamingos, fruits, or donuts, have been the kings of Instagram for a couple of seasons and this summer they can become the piece that we all take to the beach.
However, what can be fun can also become scary when used in open spaces, such as the sea or the ocean. A fact is that the lifeguards warn of the risks of using these summer floaties at sea, so their use must always be supervised and responsible.
Every summer begins the classic ‘discussion’ about whether it is good for children who cannot swim to use a float or not. Are they safe or, on the contrary, and according to their characteristics can they become a death trap for them?
Our recommendation is that they can be used to increase safety, but, and this is the most important thing, the essential element to avoid drowning will always be the supervision of an adult who knows how to swim (who is less than an arm's distance from the child), that is, with close and visual contact in case it is necessary to act in the event of an emergency or accident.
In addition, we will leave you some recommendations so that this summer you can choose the most suitable lifeguard.
Keys to choosing the right float
When choosing one for your child, you should consider two fundamental things: his age and the degree of flotation they have. The higher the degree, it will be more difficult for them to accidentally submerge, but the mobility will be reduced and, therefore, it will be more difficult for them to learn to swim. Being especially interesting those that can be regulated as the child acquires this skill.
Before buying one, the first thing to make sure is that it is approved by a quality verifying body, that the product has instructions, that the precautions for use are properly collected, and that the lower and upper weight limits are specified. It is important to always follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
Check out: Slice Watermelon Pool Float - Inflatable Pool Floats
What are the most common?
Classic donuts
From 8 months of age (the baby has to perfectly support the head with the ability to move 180 degrees). They can be used for up to 2-3 years. The recommended ones are those that are "seat type" or anchoring systems that prevent the child from sliding through them and have anti-tip systems. They are used to avoiding sinking, but they have little room for movement.
From 12 months. They should be snug against the arm and placed as close to the shoulder to prevent them from escaping. The ideal is to use the ones made with cork because they do not puncture and are composed of discs that can be removed to regulate the float level. The trade-off is that they limit the range of motion, especially in the arms.
Baby vests with removable flotation systems
They are suitable for kids up to 19 pounds of weight. Those with a safety harness to pass between the legs are recommended as they prevent the vest from coming off. They are not punctured and allow a more natural movement by distributing flotation on the chest and back. They do not limit the movement of arms or legs. Similar neoprene swimsuits are also available.
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Belts or bubbles
From 3-4 years old, they usually have cork elements to regulate the level of flotation, allowing great movement capacity, being suitable for learning to swim.
Floating noodles
The length is variable, and they allow endless combinations as a system. It is used as elements to learn to handle in the water.
And remember, the best system that will prevent your child from drowning is for him to learn to swim. To avoid accidents, always keep eye contact and at maximum arm's length. Enjoy the beach and the pool! But with all the necessary security measures and adequate distancing.
Materials Matters Alot
Pool floats are available in two varieties which are foam and vinyl. There are benefits to vinyl floats, such as storage options and a wide variety of styles. Being able to inflate or deflate your float is beneficial when you're short of storage space and wish to keep your area clean and neat.
Also, most floats happen to be constructed using this material, which means there are plenty from when you're ready. It's possible to buy pumps for more choices, but it's well worth it over the long term. With proper use and care, you'll have a great time with your vinyl float year in and year out.
There are also fun foam alternatives. From pool noodles to foam-filled inflatable floats, such as kick-boards and floats for kids, They aren't required to be inflated before use. It is still possible to store foam. However, they consume more space than vinyl alternatives. But, as a go-to option, they're the best alternative.
Check out: Pineapple Pool Float - Inflatable Pool Floats
Inflation and Maintenance
Take note of the specifications for the product before using the product. Many manufacturers provide detailed explanations of the inflation tool and other security measures.
This image is an illustration. Make sure to use the correct equipment for inflating as per the specifications, and don't over-inflate. It is recommended that 80 and 90 percent of the air inside the floatie can be used on hot summer days.
Be sure to check the pool each time to determine whether the float on the collection is damaged or leaks to ensure security. Additionally, ensure there aren't any dangerous objects, widgets, or sharp items in the area.
Then, let the gas go when you are not using it and ensure it is kept clean. Floats are shelf-life like other items. In normal conditions, the good use time of these products is between two and three years. Even if they're not damaged after this time, it is recommended to get rid of them to avoid air leakage that could create safety risks.
In essence, water toys are not a lifebuoy under the water. However, before purchasing the latest model, you must also consider the size and material. Making sure you use and keep it according to the product's specifications gives you greater assurance. Selecting and using flotation devices with care allows you to be safe and have more fun during summer's heat.