What percentage of adults sleep with a stuffed animal?
What percentage of adults sleep with a stuffed animal?
It’s no secret that stuffed animals and particularly Teddy Bears are cuddly creatures that make for the perfect best friend.
When a baby is born, stuffed animals make for the perfect welcome gift to bring the baby a sweet reminder of how much their friends and family love them.
When the baby becomes a toddler, they start getting to know the concept of a partner or a best friend, and this friend is usually a cuddly stuffed animal they can hug and take literally everywhere without risks or harm.
When the toddler becomes a child, a stuffed animal keeps on being the perfect companion in their adventures, and they keep on sleeping along with them until very well into their teenage years.
But what happens when a person reaches adulthood? Do they magically stop hanging around their stuffed animals or simply keep them in the bed as decoration? Keep reading to find out more about the habits of adults and their stuffed animals.
Check out: Yellow Elephant Stuffed Animal
How many adults sleep with a big teddy bear?
You might think it’s very odd to keep sleeping with your childhood stuffed animal deep into your adult years, but in fact many people still sleep with their Teddy Bears.
In psychology, there’s something known as “transitional objects”, which provide a sense of comfort or safety into adults who are starting a new chapter in their lives and are afraid of these changes.
As a matter of fact, transitional objects are nothing unusual and there’s nothing that says you should give up your stuffed animal when you reach a certain age.
It just happens that, as you age, you stop needing the comfort of a Teddy Bear and can handle the rough things in the world on your own.
What percentage of adults sleep with a stuffed animal?
In a study made by Best Mattress, it turned out that millennials are the largest group to sleep with a sentimental item from their childhood.
In second place comes Generation X and with only 2% the Baby Boomers.
As to the objects people sleep with to feel safe during nighttime, 37.5% of people sleep with stuffed animals, 29.4% of people sleep with a big Teddy Bear, 28% sleep with a special baby blanket, 20.7% sleep with their pet, 6.9% sleep with a childhood doll and only 1.2% sleep with a special pillow.
Is it okay to sleep with stuffed animals
There’s actually no shame in still sleeping with your cuddly best friend. Sleeping with plush toys is more normal than people might think.
According to Harvard research, one in three people questioned about sleeping habits still sleeps with their Teddy Bear; and this act is much more common among women than men, probably because it’s more socially acceptable for them.
Experts say sleeping with cuddly toys might have something to do with the earliest sleeping tactics taught by our parents.
Since our western culture tends to separate the children from their parents (during bedtime) in the first year of life, it’s normal for the baby to look for a self-soothing object such as a blanket or toy to accompany them at night.
Naturally, the feeling of comfort provided by the plush toy persists well into adulthood. In fact, this survey says that 44% of adults have held onto their childhood plush toys, and as many as 34% of adults still sleep with them each night.
Benefits of sleeping with Teddy Bears
So, now that we know that sleeping with a big Teddy Bear in spite of being an adult is completely fine (unless this habit becomes unhealthy or obsessive, interrupting your intimate life or causing you shame),let’s explore some of the best benefits of sleeping with a Teddy Bear as an adult.
People who like to cuddle with a soft toy at night can improve their low self-esteem, their anxieties can be alleviated and they can improve their stress greatly.
Stuffed animals during adulthood are all about having a sentimental attachment to things, and it’s normal that this attachment doesn’t break with age.
Now you know exactly how many adults sleep with stuffed animals and cute Teddy Bears.
Experts say there’s no real harm in sleeping with a plush toy because they provide the ultimate emotional comfort. Also, having a Teddy Bear is much more hygienic than sleeping with a pet.
Reasons Why People Sleep with Stuffed Animals
Sleeping with a stuffed animal is a common practice among children, but it is not entirely unusual for adults to do so as well. There are various reasons why adults may choose to sleep with a stuffed animal, including:
- Comfort and Security: A stuffed animal can provide comfort and security, especially for those who live alone or struggle with anxiety.
- Nostalgia: Many adults may have fond memories of sleeping with a favorite stuffed animal as a child and continue to do so to maintain that connection.
- Physical Comfort: A stuffed animal can provide physical comfort by serving as a pillow or supporting a particular body part.
- Sleep Aid: For some adults, sleeping with a stuffed animal can improve their sleep quality and help them fall asleep faster.
Stereotypes Surrounding Adults Who Sleep with Stuffed Animals
Despite the many reasons adults may choose to sleep with a stuffed animal, there are still stereotypes surrounding this practice. For example, some people view sleeping with a stuffed animal as a sign of immaturity or emotional instability. However, these stereotypes are not necessarily accurate.
Adults who sleep with stuffed animals come from all walks of life and may have different reasons. For example, some adults may sleep with a stuffed animal for emotional support, while others may do so for physical comfort or nostalgia.
It is important not to judge or stereotype those who sleep with stuffed animals, as it is a personal choice and does not necessarily reflect one's level of maturity or emotional stability.
Comparison of the Percentage with Other Age Groups
While adults may not be the most common age group to sleep with stuffed animals, they are not alone in this practice. According to the recent survey conducted by Build-A-Bear Workshop, approximately 40% of children aged 3-12 reported sleeping with a stuffed animal.
This percentage is similar to adults who sleep with stuffed animals, indicating that the habit is not entirely uncommon among either age group.
However, the percentage of adults who sleep with stuffed animals is much lower than that of infants and toddlers who sleep with a stuffed animal or soft toy.
An American Academy of Pediatrics study found that 60% of infants and toddlers sleep with a soft toy or blanket, indicating that the practice is most common among this age group.
Overall, while sleeping with a stuffed animal may not be the norm for adults, it is not entirely uncommon and can provide emotional and physical comfort for those who choose to do so